The French Hospital
June 07, 2019
Spike is back in Hong Kong, having been forced to retire from his job in the Philippines because of the local laws. Which was quite a surprise to him (and to most people, I guess)
He had to go to the hospital: One of the Dumbest Things I’ve Ever Done
I was surprised that a visit to the emergency ward now costs HK$180 (roughly US$23.50). Of course that’s just a fraction of what it probably costs in the U.S. but even so, five years ago I’m sure it was just HK$100. That’s a big jump in 5 years. Have people stopped betting on the horses? Are HK hospitals charging retaliatory tariffs to U.S. patients?
Obviously the last part isn't true. That's the rate for holders of a Hong Kong ID card (others have to pay HK$1,230). But he's right that it was increased from HK$100 about two years ago.
I confess to not fully understanding the charges for healthcare in Hong Kong. Visiting a GP seems quite expensive, especially considering the "three-minute-visit/five-bags-of-pills policy". But last time I visited a specialist (in a private hospital) it cost less than Spike paid for his visit to an emergency room. I suppose that a visit to the hospital pharmacy would increase the total cost, but I was paying for this myself, and I know a better solution for that.
And I can add to my list of places in Hong Kong where the commonly used Cantonese name is totally different from the English name - St Teresa's Hospital (聖德肋撒醫院) is known as "faat gwok yi yun" (法國醫院). Look it up.